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It’s true. Not all superheroes wear capes. In fact, some wear scrubs. You might think it’s a little far fetched to suggest that a Cosmetic Dentist is a superhero. In some respects that may be the case. After all, a superhero is typically a fictional character whereas a dentist is very much present in our real everyday lives.
Our body is a sum of parts, intricately linked through a complex network of systems, organs and functions. As a result, it’s not uncommon for one element of our physical operation to be affected by another. With a constant flow of fluids, solids, plasmas and cells travelling around our anatomy, it’s perfectly possible that seemingly unrelated issues are in fact biologically intertwined.
The turbulent events of 2020 and 2021, have resulted in a huge backlog of patients desperately needing dental appointments. The combination of surgeries being closed and operating at limited capacities due to safety restricted has resulted in an unprecedented demand for dental care this summer and this shows no signs of fading, even as the summer holidays draw to end.
It appears that teeth are really talk of the town this summer! Maybe it’s because after endless months of lockdown we can finally escape the house and want to look our best. It could be that after staring at yourself during countless hours of FaceTime and video conferences, the look of your teeth is finally starting to bug you. You might just be looking for a real personal treat to uplift and enhance your appearance.
NHS dental care has hit the headlines on a number of occasions this year, following reports of 3 year waiting lists, patients resorting to DIY dentistry and ongoing staff shortages in the industry. This week, the contentious issue of the NHS dental contract reform rears its head again. Industry experts, practitioners and patients alike are desperate to see change in the system to improve lives for both those providing and receiving treatment.
It appears that teeth are really talk of the town this summer! Maybe it’s because after endless months of lockdown we can finally escape the house and want to look our best. It could be that after staring at yourself during countless hours of FaceTime and video conferences, the look of your teeth is finally starting to bug you. You might just be looking for a real personal treat to uplift and enhance your appearance.
We are only too frequently reminded how important following a balanced diet is for our health. There are countless resources in the form of apps, articles, magazines, podcasts and youtube videos that claim to provide the ultimate knowledge in managing our nutrition to maximise our wellbeing.
Teeth staining. It’s one of those things that just slowly creeps up on you without even realising, until boom. One day you look in the mirror and barely recognise your own smile. It’s highly frustrating to find that no matter how good at brushing you are, tooth stains are stubborn and damn difficult to remove. If staining has set in, there is very little you can do to do reverse it yourself.
First impressions count and a smile (or lack of) says a lot about a person. It’s human nature to jump to conclusions about a person’s mood or demeanor based on their oral expressions. We can quickly assume that a person is happy, sad, angry, friendly, confident, insecure, or attractive based on what we perceive from their mouth. A bright smile can light up a room, but if you feel self-conscious about your teeth you might prefer to disappear into the background to not draw attention to yourself.
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Current Offer For Patient Who Hold Banning Dental Group And Skin Clinique Premium Membership Card:

  • 1 Complimentary dentist visit
  • 1 Complimentary hygienist visit
  • 7% reduction on:
    • any crowns, bridges and dentures and
    • any other dental work (excluding specialist treatment)
    • other dental work
    • any additional hygiene treatment