Smile Charity and Corporate Social Responsibility

At Banning Dental Group, we take our corporate responsibility seriously, investing both time and resources to make a positive impact on people and the environment, both locally and globally.

Our Commitment

Empowering Through Smiles

At Banning Dental Group, Banning Skin Clinique, and Banning Academy, we are dedicated to making a difference beyond our professional services. We proudly fund and support SmileCharity, an initiative driven by our belief that everyone deserves a healthy smile.

SmileCharity: Transforming Lives One Smile at a Time

SmileCharity is at the heart of our mission to give back to the community. This initiative invites our patients and community members to nominate individuals they believe deserve a free smile makeover. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or someone who has touched their lives, we want to hear their stories. Each quarter, we select one nominee for a complete smile transformation.

The chosen nominee’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of a healthy smile. From the initial consultation to the final reveal, we document and share their experience across our channels. This not only highlights the individual’s story but inspires others to recognise the importance of dental health and its impact on a person’s confidence and quality of life.

Engaging in Community Service

We actively engage our team in volunteering activities, both locally and abroad, and participate in numerous fundraising events throughout the year. Our commitment extends to the local community through regular visits to nurseries, schools, local businesses, and resident associations, promoting oral health education and preventive care.

Sustainability Efforts

Environmental Stewardship

We are dedicated to minimising our environmental impact and promoting sustainability in our operations. Our practices are designed to offset carbon emissions, reflecting our commitment to improving the quality of life, one smile at a time, for present and future generations. Notably, our practice prohibits using mercury fillings, opting for safer alternatives.

Sustainable Practices

To achieve our sustainability goals, we:

– Integrate Sustainable Development: We consider sustainability in all policies, plans, and decisions.
– Promote Environmental Responsibility: Our staff is encouraged to adopt and develop environmentally responsible practices and initiatives.
– Engage Patients and Visitors: We motivate visitors and patients to adopt sustainable practices.
– Resource Efficiency: We strive to minimise our consumption of natural resources and reduce carbon emissions by utilising low-energy solutions.
– Sustainable Sourcing: We prioritise suppliers with solid sustainability policies.

Operational Excellence

Energy and Waste Management

– Energy Reduction: We reduce emissions by managing energy use, such as turning off lights and equipment, regulating heating, and ensuring proper insulation.
– Maximize Recycling: We optimise recycling programs to minimise waste.
– Waste Minimization: We focus on reducing and reusing non-clinical products where feasible and minimising clinical waste.
– Awareness and Education: We raise awareness about sustainable practices among staff and patients.

Resource Conservation

– Paper Reduction: We minimise paper use by transitioning to digital forms and records.
– Water Conservation: We actively reduce water consumption.
– Legislative Compliance: We adhere to all relevant environmental legislation and codes of practice.
– Resource Management: We minimise dental materials, gas, paper, and other consumables and encourage staff to utilise recycling facilities.

Local Dental Laboratory

A significant part of our sustainability initiative includes operating our dental laboratory. By producing dental appliances and prosthetics in-house, we reduce our carbon footprint associated with transportation and ensure high-quality, environmentally responsible products. This local production minimises waste and maximises efficiency, contributing to our sustainability goals.

At Banning Dental Group, our commitment to corporate responsibility ensures we operate with integrity, care, and a vision for a sustainable future. We are dedicated to creating a positive impact on our community and the environment, smile by smile, generation by generation.


Together, we can create brighter smiles and a healthier planet. Thank you for supporting Banning Dental Group and our commitment to making a difference.

For professionals
Available To Book Online


Current Offer For Patient Who Hold Banning Dental Group And Skin Clinique Premium Membership Card:

  • 1 Complimentary dentist visit
  • 1 Complimentary hygienist visit
  • 7% reduction on:
    • any crowns, bridges and dentures and
    • any other dental work (excluding specialist treatment)
    • other dental work
    • any additional hygiene treatment