Beat the fear of perspiration

While sweating is completely natural phenomenon, excessive perspiration can make life a challenge. If you find yourself sweating more than others, it’s time to make a change.

Regain control over your life, free from the fear of sweating. Enjoy each day with confidence, as you bid farewell to sweat-related perspiration. It’s time to reclaim your confidence and embrace a worry-free, sweat-free lifestyle. Botox injections offer the solution to over-enthusiastic sweat glands by blocking nerve signals that trigger sweat production. Win the battle against perspiration, with anti-sweat injections.


Procedure time

30 minutes

Recovery time

0 - 24 hours

Discomfort level

Disconfort level 2




  • Regain confidence
  • Quick and easy
  • Avoid clothes staining
  • Remain dry

Anti sweat injections FAQ’s

Botulinum toxin is widely used for cosmetic reasons, but is also highly effective in the treatment of sweating.

Using tiny, acupuncture style needles, small doses of botulinum toxin are introduced into the skin to inhibit the actions of the nerve endings which encourage the unnecessary production of sweat from the eccrine glands. Once the sweat glands have relaxed, the production of sweat will subside.

The great news is that botulinum toxin gets to work in under 1 week and you can enjoy dry underarms for up to 6 months. If the treatment works well for you, it can be repeated, giving you years of sweat relief. Most sufferers report that the treatment offers life changing results, putting an end to years of embarrassment, and allowing them to go about their business without a constant fear of sweating.

Firstly, there will be a short consultation to understand how excessive sweating affects you and assess whether the treatment is suitable on medical grounds.

Assuming everything is OK to proceed, the treatment area will be marked out to indicate each injection point and a numbing cream is applied.

10 to 20 microinjections are administered in each armpit. The injections are relatively painless and the whole procedure will only take around 30 minutes, so you can expect to leave the clinic quickly and without any disruption to your day.

Each individual responds differently to treatment, but you can usually expect to experience the benefits of the anti-sweat injections between 5-14 days of having the procedure, as the sweat glands begin to relax and cease activity. Clinical studies suggest that you can expect an 80-90% reduction in sweating following Botox treatment to the underarm area.

The great thing about botulinum toxin is that it is a straightforward, tried, and tested solution with little to no downtime or after affects. Occasionally, it may cause a little skin irritation or tingling around the injection sites but there is generally no cause for concern and any symptoms subside soon after treatment.

Whilst anti-sweat injections are not a cure for the problem of hyperhidrosis, they do provide significant relief for up to 6 months. Once you start the find the sweats are beginning to return, you can book for a follow up treatment to avoid it becoming a problem once again.

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