Sweating excessively is the pits! Solutions for treating hyperhidrosis

Sweating excessively, treating hyperhidrosis

Are you sick of sweating excessively? Here are the solutions for treating hyperhidrosis effectively

Hurrah for the warm weather, long sunny days, ice cream vans, paddling pools and picnics in the park. Summer is upon us at last and there are many reasons to be happy!

Sadly, for some, the heat and humidity are just too much to cope with. Many of us Northern Europeans are just not genetically built to tolerate the rising temperatures. Our bodies have been programmed to conserve body heat during long cold winters and our homes are designed to keep us warm, not cool.

One of the consequences of this can be sweating excessively. At times this can be localised to specific areas of the body but in other cases, it can be an all-out body meltdown. Either way, it’s likely to make you feel highly uncomfortable, embarrassed, socially awkward, and professionally challenged. It can interfere with everyday activities on both an emotional and physical level and can become such an inconvenience that it’s enough to wish summer would hurry up and end.

There is no denying that excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis as it’s medically known, can play havoc with our lives. If you find yourself sweating excessively, it’s natural to want to avoid physical contact. Hugs, handshakes or simply even being close to another person are uncomfortable situations as they can result in exposing the problem to those around us. This unfortunately makes personal relationships and business affairs rather tricky. Staining is another big challenge and it’s not uncommon for sufferers to change their clothes frequently or restrict their arm movements to avoid embarrassment.

At school, it can be especially unpleasant. A classroom on a warm summers day without air conditioning can be unpleasant but being bullied by peers for extra-ordinary sweating can do major damage to a child’s self-confidence.

Excessive sweating really is the pits and something we believe that no one should suffer with. Don’t let hyperhidrosis spoil your summer this year. Let’s look at the solutions to this sticky situation.

Why am I sweating excessively?

Sweating is a completely natural phenomenon that occurs when our internal cooling system kicks in to regulate the temperature of the body. Our bodies need the capacity to manage our internal temperature to keep us safe. Exercise, hot weather, spicy food, fever can all cause us to sweat to avoid reaching the point of internal heat exhaustion.

However, if you feel that your sweating is disproportionate to others in similar situations or that it is starting to become regularly problematic, it could be that your sweat glands are working a little more enthusiastically than others.

Other causes can be certain medications with a side effect of sweating. Anxiety can often be the culprit, resulting in a vicious circle of worrying about sweating, causing you to sweat, making you worried that others might see you sweating, which causes you to sweat more. This anxiety loop is a difficult one to navigate out of once it starts.

According to the UK Hyperhidrosis Organisation, there are 2 types of the condition:

Primary Focal

This is the most common amongst sufferers and often begins during childhood, but there is no known cause. It cannot be attributed to a medication or sickness that causes fever. It is not due to an underlying medical condition. It usually affects the underarms, hands and feet and it almost always occurs during the day and not at night.

Secondary Generalised

In this case, the excessive sweating will be a result of an underlying medical condition or a side effect of prescribed medication. It will have started later in life and the sweating can occur all over or in larger areas of the body. It can be present both day and night. Women who are entering menopause may find they are suddenly sweating excessively, but this would be due to the change in hormones during this transitionary phase.

In any case, it’s important to establish whether there are any underlying causes before considering which treatment option is most suitable.

What can I do about hyperhidrosis?

Whilst there is no cure for hyperhidrosis, there are a few avenues to pursue if excessive sweating is becoming a burden in life.

Consult with your GP

Your GP will be able to rule out any common causes by reviewing your medication and conducting a simple blood test. This will establish whether you are suffering from the primary or secondary type of hyperhidrosis and as a result whether you require further clinical testing or a revision of your tablets for those that may mitigate the sweating side effects.

If no medical factors are identified, then your GP may recommend some lifestyle changes such as diet, a change in washing and bathing products, high-strength antiperspirants and breathable clothing. They may also choose to refer you to a specialist dermatologist for alternative recommendations.

Speaking to your GP is always a good starting point in your journey for treating excessive sweating.

Seek a private Dermatologist

The NHS route for help with hyperhidrosis can be notoriously slow and limited. If you are keen to find a solution sooner rather than later, it may be worth seeking a private dermatologist in your area to discuss other options.

• Medication- specific tablets to reduce sweating
• Topical treatments- creams, powders, lotions
• Iontophoresis- treating the affected areas with weak electric current passed through water
• Surgery- removing the sweat glands

Your dermatologist may wish to explore a few treatment options to establish which is most effective, so bear in mind that the treatment process may take some time.

Botox Treatment for treating Hyperhidrosis

Botulinum toxin or Botox as it is commonly known is widely used for cosmetic reasons but is also highly effective in the treatment of underarm (axillary) excessive sweating.

Using tiny, acupuncture style needles, small doses of Botox are introduced into the skin to block the actions of the nerve endings which encourage the unnecessary production of sweat from the eccrine glands. A numbing cream is used and the needles are so fine that you needn’t worry about this being a painful procedure. The solution will be applied evenly across both armpits so that the entire site is covered. The treatment is quick and easily completed in less than half an hour. You can even squeeze it into your lunch break!

The great news is that Botox gets to work in under 1 week and you can enjoy dry underarms for up to 6 months. If the treatment works well for you, it can be repeated, giving you years of sweat relief. We find this treatment popular with both men and women and most sufferers report that the treatment gives them life-changing results!

Botox for axillary hyperhidrosis is difficult to qualify for on the NHS so it’s best to find a local clinic that is qualified to deliver this type of treatment.

Wouldn’t you like to go about your business without that constant fear of sweating? At Banning Skin Clinique we have qualified clinicians who are experts in Botox injections. We are currently offering a special summer promotion on underarm excessive sweating treatments. Enjoy the discount and the feeling of fresh dry armpits this summer and beyond. Find out more today, by booking a consultation.

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